Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο


To commit resources to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Computing Cluster "Aristotle", a batch script should be submitted stating the requested resources and the task we want to submit.

Each batch script submitted must contain a list of directives for the scheduler about the size of the resources that are estimated to be required for the job. Thus, for example, the following may be specified:

  • the estimated walltime, i.e. the time in which the task is expected to be completed
  • the queue (i.e. the partition) to which the task will be submitted
  • the number of nodes required (e.g. for parallel distributed memory jobs)
  • the number of CPU Cores per node (e.g. for parallel shared memory jobs if there is only one node)

Slurm directives

You can find detailed useful examples for slurm directives in the following link:

The batch script is submitted using the sbatch command. E.g. if the batch script is named run.sh the submission is done with the command:

# sbatch run.sh

More details regarding the contents of batch scripts and the submission and task management process follow in the examples.

Submission examples

You can find examples and useful information about job submission in the following links: