Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο

Web portal (Open onDemand)

To connect to the Open OnDemand web portal of the Aristotle computing cluster, visit the page: https://hpc.auth.gr.

Open OnDemand is an open-source web portal which allows access to supercomputational facilities from anywhere and any device που επιτρέπει την πρόσβαση σε υπερυπολογιστικές υποδομές από οπουδήποτε και οποιαδήποτε συσκευή μέσω ενός browser.

Desktop Session

The remote desktop service allows you to run graphical applications in a windowed environment directly on a cluster node.

  1. From the monu of the service select Interactive Apps -> Aristotle Desktop

    OnDemand Menu

  2. Next, enter the duration interval in the form of hours of the session and select Launch. The maximum time interval can be 48 hours.

    OnDemand Launch 1

  3. This option submits a job to the computing cluster and once the task is launched, we can log into the session by selecting Launch Aristotle Desktop. In addition, we have the option to share the View Only (Share-able Link) (bottom right in the image below) with one or more accounts, so they can only view our Desktop. OnDemand Launch 2

  4. Once logged into the session, we can open an application from the menu. For example: Applications -> Education -> Matlab 2022b

    OnDemand App Menu

Safari browser

Connecting to the remote desktop service cannot be successfully achieved via Safari browser, so it is recommended to use a different browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.

Copy/Paste text

To copy/paste to and from the Desktop session, we can use the clipboard that appears if we select the menu from the arrow on the left on the Desktop.

OnDemand Clipboard

In Google Chrome Browser we can copy/paste without using the clipboard.

File transfer (File Manager)

To transfer files to and from the computing infrastructure, we can follow the instructions for transferring files from terminal or MobaXterm, or use another sftp client (such as WinSCP or FileZilla).

In addition, to transfer files we can also use the File Manager of the web portal from the menu of the home page: Files -> Home Directory.

OnDemand File Manager Menu

After we open the File Manager we can see the files we have stored in the cluster and we can download them locally to our computer in one of the following ways.

Α. Selectiing the file and then the button Download:

OnDemand File Manager

B. Selecting Download from the drop down menu of the file:

OnDemand File Manager

To move directly in a directory, we can choose Change Directory and insert a specific Path.

First connection the the cluster through the web portal

In case you are logging in to the array for the first time via the web portal, you will probably encounter the following message:

OnDemand First Login

To start our connection, we will need to follow the links shown (1 and 2). This process is only required the first time we log in.

Desktop Session on RTX A4000

For jobs or applications that require a high amount of RAM or GPU memory (VRAM), you can start a Desktop session on a4000 partition from the interactive app RTX A4000 Aristotle Desktop.

This application will start a session on a compute node with the following resources:

Important note

This interactive app is intended for jobs that require a great amount of RAM or GPU VRAM. There is only one node of this type, so please select the minimum required resources. These type of jobs may remain in queue, until the required resources become available.

Interactive Apps

In the menu we can select Interactive Apps and then the application we want to use in the computing cluster, immediately without connecting to a Desktop session. More information about the applications: